NOTE: For stations in or near the City of Rolla, use 145.130 MHz (-600 kHz offset, 88.5 Hz PL) which is linked to 146.790 MHz at all times.
LOCATION: The primary WØGS
2-meter repeater is on the frequency of 146.790 MHz (-600 kHz offset, 88.5 Hz PL) located about 20 miles west of Rolla
in the vicinity of rural Dixon, Missouri, near Hancock, along Highway 133 in Pulaski
TRANSCEIVER/CONTROLLER: The transceiver is a Vertex VXR-5000, including an add-on Pacific Research RI-310e controller board, receiver board, transmitter board, and a 25-watt final amplifier module. The repeater is mounted on a wall in the shack above a work bench, and is powered by a DC power supply which you can see setting on the bench top. The feedlines to the controller/transceiver are fed through a four-tank resonator, Wacom Products, Inc. model WP641.
BATTERY BACKUP: In July 2023, a West Mountain Radio PWRgate PG40S was installed. This automatically switches from the AC power supply to a battery backup in case of AC power loss. For further information, read the PG40S user manual. --- The following information is about the previous system, no longer in use: On 2 September 2001 a battery backup system was installed on the repeater.
The system includes a power
controller box consisting of
automatic switching and battery charging circuitry, and a parallel
combination of two 12-Volt deep-cycle gel-cell batteries from a used
wheel chair.
TOWER: The tower
for the repeater is approximately 120 feet tall (not including the
antenna), and is serviced from a shack approximately 20 feet
from the base. The tower is guyed at six points along its rise as can
be seen in this
view (the lowest guys are not visible in this picture). The base of the tower is
at an altitude of approximately 1,110 feet above sea level, so the top of the
transmitting antenna is at approximately 1,245 feet above sea level.
ANTENNA: At the top of the tower, fed from the shack by jacketed hardline, is a commercial-grade
co-linear vertical J-pole, model 220-2N
("Super Stationmaster TM")
from RF Systems.
This antenna was installed on 29 January 2007 to replace an old DB224 antenna. Replacement
was necessary because water got into the coaxial harness and degraded performance. You can
view a slide show of the installation process.
(Here is the old four-element
omni-directional antenna array,
vertically polarized, model DB224, from Decibel
COVERAGE AREA: Coverage for
the WØGS repeater (view a map, or
another map)
extends from the St. James area 15 miles
east of Rolla, to Jefferson City 75 miles north of Rolla, to the Lake
of the Ozarks area 50 miles west-north-west of the Rolla area, to the
Lebanon area 50 miles west-south-west of Rolla, to the Salem area 25
miles south of Rolla. Of course, due to the hilly terrain in
south-central Missouri, some low-lying areas are not within repeater
range even though they lie within the general repeater coverage area.
REMOTE BASE: The repeater
has been interfaced
with a Yaesu FT-2400H 2-meter
mobile radio through the accessory port on the VXR-5000. This
remote-base radio is programmed to communicate with the Springfield
Skywarn repeater in Springfield, Missouri (the Springfield repeater
transmits on 145.490 MHz, and requires a CTCSS
access tone of 136.5 Hz). The link is established using a 4-element
Yagi, vertically polarized, end-mounted at the 40-foot level on the
repeater tower. Through the use of DTMF on-air control, the remote-base
link can be established whenever needed. On 30 August 2003 the
remote-base system as described above
was installed to replace the original system which was damaged by a
lightning strike.
SKYWARN: Prior to 17
November 2001 (see work-day
2001 pictures), the remote-base
link was directed to the Mid
Missouri Skywarn Association
repeater at 146.865 MHz in Jefferson City. However, since the Rolla
repeater covers an area primarily served by the Springfield National Weather
Service office, the RRARS determined that it would
be better to link directly into the Springfield Skywarn system.
We wish to thank the Mid Missouri Skywarn Association for their help and
Southwest Missouri Skywarn repeater at 145.490 MHz (PL 136.5Hz) is in
the Springfield area (at the Fordland site). There is a Skywarn net every Tuesday,
7:00 PM Central time hosted on the NØNWS repeater. We establish the
remote-base link into that repeater every
Tuesday evening, and encourage all operators to check in (see Meetings/Nets
page for details). See the NØNWS web site for more details about Soutwest Missouri Skywarn.
CONTACT: The trustee
for callsign WØGS and the repeater is Peter Price, NØXZN. If you have questions or comments about the repeater,
please send e-mail to Read more about repeaters in Missouri at the Missouri
Repeater Council web pages.