M E E T I N G S The next meeting will be held the first Monday of the month at Alex's Pizza Restaurant in downdown Rolla on East Eighth Street (across the street from Phelps County Bank). Arrive at 6 PM to enjoy a meal. These are dinner meetings, so please feel free to bring your spouse and any guests as we enjoy a meal together. After the meal, a meeting to discuss club business is held, and occasionally we will have a special presentation. If a normal meeting date falls on or adjacent to a holiday, that meeting will usually be postopned until the following Monday.
Nightly Net We hold a net on the 146.790 MHz (-600kHz offset, PL 88.5 Hz) Rolla repeater EVERY evening at 8:00 PM Central Time YEAR ROUND. This is an open net, and all amateur radio stations are welcome to check in. Stations in or near Rolla may use the repeater on 147.210 MHz (+600kHz offset, PL 88.5 Hz) if you find it easier to get in on that frequency. The 147.210 MHz repeater is linked at all times to the primary repeater on 146.790 MHz. If you would like to be a Net Control Station, please let us know. If you are a new NCS, or if you are filling in, here is a copy of the Net Control Station script for you to use.