VE Test Session Results

Saturday, 3 December 2016




The Rolla VE Team administered 19 exams to 9 examinees.


Congratulations to the following for earning their licenses:

-Alec Reven, new General (passed Tech & General)

-Alexander Hoeft, new Tech

-John Kovacs, new Extra (passed all elements!)

-Kenneth Boyko, new Tech

-Mark McElvy, new General (passed Tech & General)

-Paul Suntrup (KE0KJC), upgraded to Extra

-Terrance Calahan, new General (passed Tech & General)

-William Castrilla, new Extra (passed all elements!)

-William Simmons, new Technician


Thanks to the VE team members who assisted:

Mike (KE0ARR)

Gary (KF0TW)

Ron (NA0Q)

Dave (KF0XQ)

Barry (KC0YDZ)


A special thanks to Gary (KF0TW) for serving as Liason at this

test session.


Respectfully Submitted,


Joe Counsil, K0OG

Rolla, Missouri VE Team Liason, ARRL-VEC


Pictures taken by Gary (KF0TW)

_p1010428_small.jpg alec_reven_new_general_small.jpg alexander_hoeft_tech_small.jpg
john_kovacs_new_extra_small.jpg kenneth_boyko_tech_small.jpg mark_mcelvy_new_general_small.jpg
paul_suntrup_ke0kjc_extra_small.jpg terrance_callahan_new_general_small.jpg william_castrilla_new_extra_small.jpg

Photo album created with Web Album Generator