VE Test Session Results

Saturday, 28 June 2014




The Rolla VE Team administered 12 exams to 8 examinees.


Congratulations to the following for passing their exams:

- John Peterson (KD0SBI) - General

- Jim Crowley (KB0PSI) - General

- James Poucher (N0TQC) - General

- Nathan Eloe - Technician

- Jeff Miller - Extra (Passed all 3 elements!)

- Vickie Ngala - Technician

- William Hofmeister - Technician

- Bridget Mooney - Technician


Thanks to the VE team members who assisted:

Dave (KC0AES)

Doug (AD0EC)


Respectfully Submitted,


Joe Counsil, K0OG

Rolla, Missouri VE Team Liason, ARRL-VEC


Pictures taken by Joe (K0OG).

Pentax K100D Super, ISO400

Pentax-M 35mm f2.8 lens.

imgp1546_small.jpg imgp1547_small.jpg john_peterson_small.jpg jim_crowley_small.jpg
james_poucher_small.jpg nathan_eloe_small.jpg jeff_miller_small.jpg vickie_ngala_small.jpg
william_hofmeister_small.jpg bridget_mooney_small.jpg

Photo album created with Web Album Generator