VE Test Session Results

Thursday, 4 March 2017




The Rolla VE Team administered 41 exams to 23 examinees.


Congratulations to the following for earning new or upgraded


-Matthew Gann - new Technician

-Kirsch Huynh - new Technician

-David Harman - new Technician

-Arul Chandran - new General (passed Tech & Gen exams)

-Daniel Rosner - new Technician

-Maxwell Geiger - new General (passed Tech & Gen exams)

-Anna Case - new General (passed Tech & Gen exams)

-Gavin Underdown (KD0WKF) - upgrade to General

-Kenneth Gremp, IV - new Technician

-Tucker Petersen - new Technician

-Nathan Price (KE5OLF) - upgrade to Extra

-Edward Koharik - new Technician

-Brooks Fairman - new Technician

-Alexander Moll - new Technician

-Ian Parnacott - new Technician

-Sergii Chertopalov (US2IPK) - new Technician

-Miles Redman - new General (passed Tech & Gen exams)

-Zachary Mulholland - new Technician

-Owen Chiaventone (KE0CFK) - upgrade to General

-Adam Rich - new Technician

-Haidar Almubarak - new Technician


Thanks to the VE team members who assisted:

Gary (KF0TW)

Ron (NA0Q)

Aaron (AA0RN)

Barry (KC0YDZ)

Dave (KF0XQ)

Mike (KE0ARR)


Respectfully Submitted,


Joe Counsil, K0OG

Rolla, Missouri VE Team Liason, ARRL-VEC


Pictures taken by Joe (K0OG)

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Photo album created with Web Album Generator