The RRARS held Field Day at the Rolla Lions Club Park this
year. The weather was good on Saturday, and by 1:00 PM
on Sunday the temperature rose to 99 degrees. We missed
the worst of the heat, and had no rain, so were happy about
The official ***Field Day Report*** is available for you to view.
On Saturday afternoon, we had a test session,
see here for the test report.
In summary, we made a total of 484 CW contacts,
40 digital contacts, and 118 SSB contacts, totalling 642.
Including multipliers and bonus points, the 2012 score is
3182 points. Compare this to 2244 in 2009, 2708 in 2010,
and 3096 in 2011. It is good to see the regular improvement
in score!
Pictures taken by Joe (K0OG) using a Pentax K100D Super
digital SLR, ISO400, Pentax-M 50mm f1.7 lens.
(Some pictures taken by Martina/N9GMI & Steve/N6RHQ as noted in the captions.)
Photo album created with Web Album Generator